Project/Field Coordinator - HEC

Higher Education Commission JOBS 2023
Project/Field Coordinator Hiring at Higher Education Commission
📌 Pin Points:
- Post Name: Project/Field Coordinator
- Qualifications: Master’s Degree
- Min. Experience: seven years relevant experience in public/private sector
- Location: All Over Pakistan Jobs
- Grade: PPS-8
- Age Limit: 50 Years
- No of Seats: 01
三 Further Details:
Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals to fill the position of Project/Field Coordinator, under the PSDP Project “Establishment of Technology Development Fund for HEC Scholars Returning after Completion of Ph.D to introduce new Technologies in Pakistan (HEC)” on contract basis:
How to Apply:
Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals to fill the position of Project/Field Coordinator, under the PSDP Project “Establishment of Technology Development Fund for HEC Scholars Returning after Completion of Ph.D to introduce new Technologies in Pakistan (HEC)” on contract basis:
* “Experience” means experience gained after obtaining the minimum required qualification.”
- Applicants are required to apply online through No need to send hard copy of C.V. and documents.
- The experience as part time, honorary, apprentice and internee will not be considered/counted as experience. The selected candidate can be posted anywhere in Pakistan.
- Interview of eligible candidates residing outside the Islamabad/Rawalpindi region and vicinity will be conducted at the nearest possible location of the candidates (Karachi, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar).
- Application processing fee @ Rs. 600/- may be deposited in the online A/C No. 17427900133401 of HEC maintained for the purpose in Habib Bank Ltd. and receipt may be uploaded on the HEC website
- Those already in Government Service should apply through proper channel. Five (05) years general age relaxation already included. Further age relaxation will be given as per Government rules.
- HEC reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason as well as to increase/decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement.
- Last date for submission of online application is August 25, 2023. Incomplete/late applications will not be entertained.
Interested candidates can apply through the Higher Education Commission website or by following the application instructions provided in the Advertisement.
🌐 Click Here to Apply*Higher Education Commission JOBS 2023* *📌 Pin Points:* *Post Name:* Project/Field Coordinator *Qualifications:* Master’s Degree *Min. Experience:* seven years relevant experience in public/private sector *Location:* Islamabad *Age Limit:* 50 Years *No of Seats:* 01 *************** CLICK ON THE LINK TO APPLY ONLINE 👇👇👇👇👇👇 نوٹ: یہ میسج/لنک اپنے دوست احباب اور گروپس میں ضرور شیئر کریں، یقیناََ آپ کی وجہ سے کسی کا بھلا ہو جائے گا، شکریہ